Medical records are an important component of every personal injury case. It is necessary to understand how these documents are used to substantiate legal claims and estimate the total damages amount. When you suffer injuries during an automobile accident you will not likely not think about your medical records until after you complete your medical treatment. However, if you retain an attorney being involved in an accident, then you will need to sign a HIPAA form so your legal representative can request your medical records.

Medical Records and Establishing the Liability of the Defendant
By examining medical records, it is possible to establish the course of events which contributed to an accident victim’s injuries. The times, dates, and medical procedures noted in medical records can also help an attorney determine the total damages amount associated with a personal injury case. Also, medical records can establish the individual elements of the legal claims you assert against a defendant.
Imaging Records and Bone Fractures
Many accident victims suffer bone fractures, and imaging records are necessary to establish the extent of an accident victim’s injuries. Fractures are not uniform, and oftentimes personal injury attorneys retain expert witnesses to inform a judge or jury about the contents of a series of imaging records.
Attempting to prove liability or damages without imaging records can be difficult. If you want the best chance of obtaining the medical records you need to substantiate your legal claims, then you need to speak to a personal injury lawyer.
Establishing a Chronological Record of an Accident Victim’s Medical Care
Medical records can also provide you with a chronological record of medical care associated with an accident victim. Determining a reliable timeline can help you establish the medical care a doctor administered to an accident victim. A series of events needs to be organized into a chronological order. Therefore, one of the first things a personal injury attorney will do is examine medical records to determine a general timeline of events.
Documenting Any Surgeries You Need to Undergo
Medical records will also document any surgeries you need to undergo as part of a regiment of medical treatment. The surgical recommendations are critical to your personal injury case. It is possible that the total settlement or potential judgment value of your case will increase if a physician had to perform surgery on you.
Also, it is necessary for you to determine what to do in the event that your medical records do not reflect the medical treatment you received. You may have to work with your attorney to examine the time frame associated with a medical records request. The medical facility needs to have records associated with particular dates of treatment. Speaking with a knowledgeable personal injury attorney will help you determine how to obtain the medical records you need for your case.
Contact the Law Office of Jason Javie Today to Schedule a Free Consultation
If you are searching for a personal injury lawyer in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, contact us today. We can help you with every aspect of your personal injury case. You do not have to take on opposing counsel and insurance companies by yourself. When you retain an experienced personal injury lawyer, you can be sure that your legal rights will be enforced.