Personal injury cases can be complex with different factors playing into the outcome of each case. One of the most important factors in determining the outcome of personal injury cases is witness statements. Witness statements can give insight into the facts of a case that may not otherwise be evident, and they can play a critical role in determining the outcome of a case.
Types of Witnesses in Personal Injury Cases
Victims in personal injury cases have different circumstances that created the injury, including slip and falls, car accidents, and other types of cases. PeopleThere are different types of witnesses that can assist with a personal injury case by providing a statement. The most well-known and often utilized is an eyewitness: a person who witnessed the accident-causing incident, such as a pedestrian who saw the other driver run the stop sign, for example. An eyewitness serves as a neutral witness to the events, providing their own version of what happened to cause your injury.
Other types of witnesses can provide specialized knowledge, such as an accident recreation specialist or physical therapist. Their specific skill set can assist by supporting your claim in various ways, such as determining who is at fault or backing up the extent of your injuries. Both can be helpful in determining the amount of compensation that a victim can receive, so choosing the right witnesses are critical to each case.
How Can the Right Witnesses Strengthen Your Claim?
The key quality of a witness is credibility. When you have the statement of a credible witness, your claim becomes stronger because it can be backed up by a neutral third party. A credible witness is someone who provides an unbiased account of the incident with no personal stakes in the outcome. In other instances, a trustworthy witness such as a medical professional can strengthen your claim by backing up the origin and extent of your injuries. Even a police officer can provide a statement regarding the circumstances of the accident that caused your injuries, lending credibility to your statement of events.
Unfortunately, some witness statements can actually work against you. This is especially true if your witness lacks credibility. It’s important to choose the right witnesses that will positively impact the outcome of your personal injury case, and a personal injury attorney can assist with screening witnesses.
Obtaining a Witness Statement
There are several steps you should follow to obtain a credible and reliable witness statement to strengthen your personal injury claim.
- Act Fast – The sooner you can get a witness statement, the more likely the statement is to be accurate and helpful. Memories fade quickly, so getting a recent account of events is the most beneficial to your case.
- Be Detailed – Ask your witness to be as detailed as possible when giving his or her statement. Small details that may not seem important can actually make a huge impact down the line, so more specific details are always better.
- Follow Up – Be sure to keep in touch with your witness. They may remember something later on, and if your case should go to court, they may be called in to testify on your behalf.
Do you need a personal injury attorney to guide you through your personal injury case? Witness statements are just one part of a personal injury case. A skilled, experienced attorney can help you through every step of your case, from gathering witness statements and beyond. At the Jason Javie Law Office, we take a personalized approach to every case. Our team works by your side from beginning to end, increasing your chances of receiving fair compensation for your injuries. Contact us today to connect with a member of the Jason Javie Law Office team.