slip and fall

Slip and fall accidents are a common occurrence in Philadelphia. Although property owners are required by law to maintain a standard of safety, accidents still occur. If you were involved in a slip and fall accident in Philadelphia, you should understand the laws around premises liability and what to do after the accident.

Seek Medical Attention

The shock of a sudden and unexpected slip, trip, or fall can often mean that accident victims don’t know that they’re injured or underestimate the extent of their injuries. Others may not want to cause a fuss, so they ignore any immediate injuries. However, the most important thing that you can do is to seek medical attention immediately after a slip and fall. 

Your health should be your top priority, especially because slip and fall injuries can be severe or become worse over time. Head, neck, and back injuries are especially common and should be assessed by a doctor immediately. Other common injuries like sprains, bone fractures, and cuts/abrasions should also be treated by a medical professional right away. Be sure to keep records of any emergency room visits, doctor appointments, or other types of medical treatment.

Report the Accident

If your slip and fall accident happened in a grocery store, mall, or other business, report the incident to a manager or owner and ask for a copy for your own records. Having an official report of the incident can help your case because it can prove the other party’s fault, increasing your chances of receiving fair compensation. 

Collect Evidence

The more evidence and documentation you have of the circumstances surrounding the slip and fall accident, the better. Because Philadelphia property owners are required to maintain safe and hazard-free premises, they can be held liable for any injuries or other losses caused by your accident. However, you must prove the other party’s negligence, in which case it’s important to start gathering evidence as soon as possible. 

Evidence can vary depending on the location of the accident, how it occurred, and what types of injuries or other losses you sustained. Generally, you should gather evidence such as:

  • Photos and Videos – If possible, take photos and videos of the scene immediately after the accident. Otherwise, try to capture the area from multiple angles at a later date. You can also ask for security footage, if available.
  • Accident Reports/ Witness Statements – Along with your official accident report, get statements and contact information from any witnesses.
  • Medical Evidence – Prove the nature and extent of your injuries with documentation from a doctor’s office, medical bills, and proof that you missed work due to your injury.
  • Other – If you have other losses such as a broken phone or other property damage, be sure to include those in your case.

Talk to a Slip and Fall Lawyer

Keep Pennsylvania’s statute of limitations in mind when considering whether to seek compensation for your accident. State law allows two years from the date of the accident to file a lawsuit; so, while you can take some time to think, it’s important to remember that your time is limited.You can discuss your options with a Philadelphia slip and fall attorney at the Jason Javie Law Office. We can help you understand your rights and help you on the path to justice. Contact us today for a case evaluation with a member of our law team.